I have been working on my novel quite a bit this summer, and it is tough work. Satisfying work, fun work, but tough work. It is called Creek, and I think you are going to like it! I actually decided to set it aside for a short time, and work on some other projects. Don't get me wrong, I really like the way it is turning out, but when I open the file to work on it, I seem to just stare and can't really make progress. That is a good sign that it is time to take a short break, and come back to it when I feel refreshed.
Perhaps it is because summer is here, in fact almost gone, and with that comes the terrible slough of no routine. I find that really hard. Even though I get up early still, there are just so many things that take away my focus. Yard work, gardening, camping, picnics, all that kind of fun stuff, which is all good, but it takes away from my writing. There are also the not so good that take away my focus, like too many phone calls, me allowing myself to be pulled to the help of so many others, because of course I don't work during the summer, so I have nothing better to do, right? Needless to say, my blog writing has suffered this past two months, my novel writing has suffered, and I consider it a good thing if I can still write my morning pages, or in my nightly journal, which doesn't always happen. I am desperate for routine to come back, of school, work, writing, and accomplishing.
I have learned to roll with the punches, and enjoy the good memories that have been made through the summer, even though they were not all the memories I wanted to make, they were good none the less.
I have also learned that I need to be willing to turn off my phone when I don't want to be disturbed, and if I forget to turn it off, I need to be able to not answer it, especially if I am in the middle of something. If it isn't an emergency, I don't need to answer it, I can call them back when I have time and energy to deal with whatever it might be. My work, my writing, and my life comes first. Something we could all remember from time to time.
Summer has happened, and is almost gone, I must make the most of what is left. Life has happened, and will continue to do so, again I must make the most of it, and what I want of it. Writing has somewhat happened, on and off, and so I must make it a focus, and make the most of it, for it is what I love to do.