I totally love reading stories with brilliant wisdom! Stories like Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Stories like 20 Wishes by Debbie M...
Dolce far niente! The sweetness of doing nothing! I love it!
Wow, it has been way too long since I have written here on one of my very favorite places. I opened my blog this morning, and was giddy, li...
I often have people ask me where I get ideas to write about. Well, if you know me, you know I have notebooks full of ideas, characters, lis...
I love writing things. I really do. The biggest struggle I face, is whether or not to promote what I write. Honestly, I think to myself a...
Thursday, January 5, 2017 | Davilyn at Thursday, January 05, 2017 | Labels: Chapter one, Ruby Secret1. Nat turned the key and creeked open the door to Giardino di Fiori . Garden of Flowers, she couldn't believe it was hers. She ...
I have gone in spurts throughout my life where I have kept a written history type journal. I did keep out some details, because of that ...
This is how I feel on the days when I am drawing a blank! Love this face! Have you ever…………… no of course you haven’t! I am sure I am...
On the continuation of my kiddos telling stories, I should perhaps share how they ever got to that point. You see, when they were all littl...
I admire my kiddos, who are not kids anymore! I have several, out of the six, that can sit down at any moment and tell a story, and make it...
How in the world can a writer expect to write good, if he doesn't like to read, or doesn't take the time to read? How would you ev...
I love notebooks! Yes I do. There is just something wonderful about grabbing a pencil and a notebook and starting to write. As I begin ...
Ray Bradbury said this about writing..... "The problem with novels is that you can spend a whole year writing one and it might not t...
What do you do when you run out of ideas? I have spent a lot of time putting together notebooks full of ideas, binders full of ideas, and...
"The storyteller is deep inside everyone of us. The story-maker is always with us. Let us suppose our world is attacked by war, by t...
Have you ever wondered if you are a writer at heart? Do you have what it takes to write? I have thought of this often, and still do. I a...
I came across a challenge to see if I can come up with 100 things I love in my life. Deal! Here goes, not in a specific order.... I love...
Great Author / Writing Sites
- 52 Ways to Write a Novel
- Annalisa Crawford
- Chock Full of Words
- Claire Dugmore Writes
- Elizabeth Seckman
- Elizabeth Spann Craig
- Fiction Notes
- Peggy Eddleman
- Seth Godin
- Thinking Through Our Fingers
- Tiny Camels
- Women Rule Writer
- Women's Fiction Writers
- Writer, Writer, Pants on Fire
- Writers Helping Writers

Helpful blogging sites!
My Blog List
15 escapes
51 things I have learned
A Good Cup of Tea
blog update
Chapter one
Finding Ideas
Fit Writing into life
handwritten letters
idea notebook
memory of story telling
Mind Map Notebook
my blog roll
Organize blogs and projects
reading aloud
reading list
Ruby Secret
seven dwarfs
short stories
some days
the road to self discovery
The Story Teller
Writer's Notebook
writing heals